London Masonic Bowlers Association bowls for charity
W Bro Ian Keech LGR reports
With the sun now shining, the London Masonic Bowlers Association (LMBA) is relaunching its biannual bowls days, where all profits are donated to charity.

We play Triples in Greys in two alternating groups – each team playing four timed rounds, before the winners of each group play off for the final to hold the Green Crystal Trophy for a year. This format allows for a maximum of 24 Triples to compete on the day. The all-inclusive entry fee of £48 per Triple includes the fees and a two-course meal. Entries from Metropolitan Lodges and Chapters are encouraged and welcome.
All profits made will be shared equally between two charities; the first nominated by the LMBA, the second nominated by the Winning Triple. Not only will you enjoy a day of bowling but also stand a chance of supporting your favourite charity with a donation. Playing SLIMBO is rewarding. On the last occasion, SLIMBO raised £450!
A new President for LMBA
We congratulate W Bro Julien Sampson on his being declared LMBA President Elect for ratification at our impending AGM.
Would you like to take part? Please contact W Bro Ian Keech at or 07904 525988.
This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 45 July 2021 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons – Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 45.